Inspirational Person Essay

Improved Essays
The Most Inspirational Person I Know Being in an unfair world has shown me, that life mishaps should not stop you from achieving your goals. Most people convert it’s hinders into motivation for their next adventure, while others let it permanently stop them. Those who look at those mistreatments as success usually have someone in their life that overcame life barriers. Everyone has a different experience or person in their life that makes them either better or the same. In my case I have a person, who made me aware of Life 's endurances and how to triumph over them. My inspiration comes from someone in my family. The most inspirational person I know is my sister Keona Julien because she inspires me to look at life hinders as building blocks to my goals instead of obstacles when I’m faced with adversity.
One instance when my sister was inspirational occurred when she was the first girl to graduate on my mother 's side. My Sister already had her mind set to be a lion at Southeastern University. She got accepted and began her journey as a major in Family and Consumer Science. Like most students, she began to fail chemistry,
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She then walked up to my sister and asked "how did they hire a young black girl like you for the job." My sister then looked up at me. I thought that I would have to break up a fight or she would curse her out, but instead she politely took out her college degree and talked down to the woman as if she was some illiterate lady. The woman then felt ashamed and tried to apologize, but it was too late, my sister was back doing her job. Watching her be so strong without violence, profanity, or an attitude made me feel realize every situation I occurred could be handled in the same manner. From then on I realized every negative comment didn 't need a negative one back and I would soon have a degree of my own to be proud

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