What Were The Positive Effects Of The Industrial Revolution

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In England around 1750 the inventing of new technology led to Industrialization due to natural resources and the geography of England. “Industrialization is mechanization of production to substitute human and animal labor” (Accampo). During the Industrial Revolution there were many advances in England causing it to be the first nation to industrialize, because of the advances there were inventions that turned the domestic system into a factory system, which had faster production of goods, that led to the Industrial Revolution this will have a positive and negative impact on the lives of the people in England.
The Industrial Revolution started off in England because of the natural resources, geography and more, and with having these there
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The environment was polluted with smoke from the steam engines that ran the factories. Population increased because people were eating better because of the new technology causing people to be healthier and living longer. Food was being produced in larger quantities causing it to be less money so more people were able to afford it. As well as, women were getting the right nutrition to produce healthy babies. Factory workers had long hours and serious health risks because of how dangerous the machines were. “The wages were low making marriage hard with economic considerations choosing marriage partners, this made family life hard” (Acampo). People were constantly at the factories or sleeping because they work long hours that take almost the whole day leaving very little time for social interaction causing families to fall apart. People were encouraged to get business investments for inventions. “Majority of the factory workers were young children, the factory system was much more dangerous than the domestic system with brutal factory masters” (Nardelli). “The children working at the factories were there to support their families, the people believed textile factories wouldn 't run without the children. Children were either miners, chimney sweepers or performed secondary tasks. Prosperity was based on the health of the children” (Nardinelli). The Industrial Revolution depended on children to run the factories and produce good quality products. “Later in 1833, there was a factory act that stated no one under the age of 18 was allowed to work between eight thirty at night and five thirty in the morning and a minimum of one and a half hours for a lunch break” (Nardinelli). This allowed for children to get the rest they needed and also allowed them to get a break to refuel. The Industrial Revolution affected the lives of people positively by increase in population due to people

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