Indian Ocean Research Paper

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The Indian Ocean world can be dynamically split up into three major regions. Africa, South Asia and lastly the East Indies are three separate areas of the Indian Ocean that together make up a larger and more intricate picture of what life is like in the Indian Ocean. Through migration and trade these regions have helped form each other’s political, economic and social structure by encouraging new ideas and propelling each other into the modern age. When one thinks about the industrial revolution they often figure that the movement began in England however, the industrial revolution began thanks to the people living in South East Asia. In the entire south East Indian region the sub-continent of India became one of the most powerful and desired trade partners. Due to its strategic position in the Indian Ocean, India became a connection cite among African and East Indian traders. India …show more content…
The East Indies are a group of islands that make up one of the most desired regions to control in the Indian Ocean. The fertile lands of the Philippines, Burma, and Java all became major economically prosperous countries do to their desired crops and lumber. Trading first began among the islanders of the East Indies as they made their way around Island hopping. It is believed that is how People from the East Indies wind up living on the island of Madagascar. Local fisheries were also a major source of income for people. While kings and queens ruled over places in India and Africa the East Indies were more in the control of wealthy merchants, as they were the ones bringing in all the money from trade. The greatest traded Item in the East Indies was pepper grown in Sumatra. By the time the Portuguese arrive in northern Sumatra was producing 55 tons of pepper a year 7.2. Once merchants had found a stable farming town it was common for them to take it over and to create urban trading

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