Lord Of The Dog In Night-Time By Mark Haddon, And Donoghue

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Giorgio A. Tsoukalos once famously said, “Knowledge is the currency of the universe.” Knowledge is a strong tool that has been utilized by humans for centuries. Foresight and awareness can give the most physically weak men unlimited power within society. Three texts by William Golding, Mark Haddon, and Emma Donoghue illustrate this theme through the actions taken by their characters in undesirable situations. Through these struggles it is understood that knowledge of the truth in a situation truly results in more pleasant outcomes by the resolution of the turmoil. Fear has taken away characters’ morality, while knowledge has given the characters educational opportunities for the future and freedom from captivity.
In the novel Lord of the
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Christopher is a 15-year-old boy who exhibits symptoms that indicate he is an autistic savant, as he shows exceptional brilliance in a limited field in combination with a mental disability that hinders him socially. Christopher has a disability, but that disability gives him a different perspective and fosters an unparalleled mathematical aptitude. Boone describes what sets him apart from those around him: “most people are almost blind and they don't see most things and there is lots of spare capacity in their heads and it is filled with things which aren't connected and are silly” (Haddon 144). For instance, most people put into a new situation would tend to glance at their surroundings, only to then “stop noticing anything because they would be thinking something else like, ‘Oh, it is very beautiful here.’... But if I am standing in a field in the countryside I notice everything.” (Haddon 141) Boone’s syndrome forces him to pay exceptionally close attention to details. The intense concentration he is applies to his environment is a skill that helps him immensely in his field of interest, mathematics. When in new situations, Christopher also turns to math to provide him with a sense of stability, as it is always true that for even the most complicated math problems, there will always be straightforward, logical answers. The knowledge he gains from his boosted awareness of his surroundings and ability to focus due to his autism help him greatly in math, which opens doors for him to expand his education. After reuniting with his mom and doing well on an A-level math test, he makes a goal “to take A-level physics and get an A grade. And then, when I’ve done that, I am going to go to university” (Haddon 220). He

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