Importance Of College Success

Decent Essays
College Success According to a report from Thomas Nelson Community College website, 15.7 percent is the graduation rate in 2010. 84% of students failed to receive their degree. That is beyond sad. College can be difficulty especially with everyday life is getting harder to main family life work and financials. Because college is challenging, I know that I have issues that I must overcome. I told myself the more patient 's I have the better success I will have. My goal is to gain and improve as much knowledge as I can through my life challenges so that I will not end up like a statistic.
I want to take the time explain the three reasons why I am in this class. Right after I graduated from high school, I became a young mother to my oldest
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For an example the lessons talked about Unconscious Incompetence" I do not know what I Don 't know. Teacher Mrs. Dubbe tell the class a story about her son Derek getting a job as a cook. He did not know cooking would be hard it would be but he was determined. That was good example. I come across great author named Dr.Amy Cuddy. She is powerful highly educated professor at the Harvard School of Business. She is Magnificent at giving motivational speeches. She asked the question "Do our nonverbal govern how we think and feel about ourselves?" I had to sit back and ask myself that question?" Yes it does, study show that most men in class have a more powerful posture and attitude in the classroom setting then women. She gives the speech on fake it until you become it. She encourages to never giving up no matter how long it may take you to reach your …show more content…
I want to use the skills and everything I learned to score high on my last essay in this class. I want to become an excellent RN one day and I want to know my entire confidant 's is because of all the learning from this class. Being able to read, write and communicate as RN is extremely important to me in my professional. When doctors write orders, being able to communicate information of what is given. Being able to relate the information to the patient and patient family is very important, in the medical profession. I have learned some effective advice from several experts on learning. I have learned from Author Stephen Covey wrote the book with the phase, "Win-Win" it is about the lesson of the Bamboo Plant, to give yourself a chance to learn and grow. The major point the author made was to be patient. Be kind to yourself, being successful takes

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