Something magical happened that night when they were both asleep. When they both woke up with body parts of the other animal! Skip woke up, and began his day with his everyday routine of chasing his tail. Instead of it being a tale, it was a fin! Skip knew he felt a little weird and then looked in the mirror and noticed his head looked just like Howies. Skip ran down to the aquarium and noticed Howie was freaking out a little because he now has Skip’s body and legs. They were both very confused, but also excited because their wish came true. Howie jumped out of the water and was able to walk and breathe perfectly. Howie said to Skip, “Go ahead and jump in the water, I bet you can swim now without wearing that suit!” Skip jumped right in, and could swim great
Something magical happened that night when they were both asleep. When they both woke up with body parts of the other animal! Skip woke up, and began his day with his everyday routine of chasing his tail. Instead of it being a tale, it was a fin! Skip knew he felt a little weird and then looked in the mirror and noticed his head looked just like Howies. Skip ran down to the aquarium and noticed Howie was freaking out a little because he now has Skip’s body and legs. They were both very confused, but also excited because their wish came true. Howie jumped out of the water and was able to walk and breathe perfectly. Howie said to Skip, “Go ahead and jump in the water, I bet you can swim now without wearing that suit!” Skip jumped right in, and could swim great