How Is Hector A Tragic Hero

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Hector; the Sole Hero of Troy

As we enter the 10th year of the great war over Troy, several outstanding warriors have emerged. The greatest hero of them all is the mighty Hector. Doing all that he can and sacrificing everything he must, the prince continues to valiantly push the Greeks back to the beach. While petty Greek Heroes like Achilles and Agamemnon are busy arguing over war prizes, Hector has been mowing down men, one by one, and even had the courage to duel the great Ajax of Telamon in order to create a ceasefire in battle for the rest of the men. After an entire day of fighting, the duel finally ended in a draw. During an interview with Andromache, Hector’s wife, we asked her about her thoughts on the war. She said that Hector was “The sole hero of Troy” and that if anyone was going to win the war for the Trojans it would be Hector.
As the Trojans were finally on the verge of wiping out the Greeks, Hector saw what he then thought was swift Achilles rise up from
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Eyewitnesses say perhaps it was a stray root. This sudden change in momentum gave Achilles a titanic advantage, turning the battle towards favoring the Greek Fighter. Hector had no choice but to flee, running from Achilles around the walls of Troy. After 3 laps around the ancient city, the Trojan Prince realized he had to stand his ground and fight. In the midst of turning around to fight, Hector heard a voice; it was his brother, Deiphobus, steadily closing in, ready to help Hector ward off Achilles. However, as he got closer the image became distorted. The figure was no longer Deiphobus. This was Athena, the cunning goddess of wisdom. Outnumbered, Hector fought until his bitter death at the hands of Achilles. This scene further proves Hector to be the greatest hero of the Trojan war because Achilles needed help from a god to kill

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