The battle continued with French soliders capturing 40 Dutch towns and fortresses were abandoned by the Dutch. However the war prolonged beyond expectation and the French proved to be successful. The Dutch leader Jan De Witt insisted on negotiations and since the begining he insisted on good relations with France. However Louis denied to negotiate and rejected his proposal as the concession terms were not negotiable and Louis believed they could achieve much more if they continued the war. William of Orange; one of the ruthful haters of France was underestimated by Louis. However the prolonged war did bring benefits to the king. Many parts of the lower countries were captured. Turenne proved to be victorious. Although Louis was successful in conquering major parts of Spain and negotiations at Nygmen gave him strong hold over the events; he was not complacent with the gains achieved as a result of this prolonged war. One of the reasons for unhealthy international relstions was the aggressive attitude and conduct of the French
The battle continued with French soliders capturing 40 Dutch towns and fortresses were abandoned by the Dutch. However the war prolonged beyond expectation and the French proved to be successful. The Dutch leader Jan De Witt insisted on negotiations and since the begining he insisted on good relations with France. However Louis denied to negotiate and rejected his proposal as the concession terms were not negotiable and Louis believed they could achieve much more if they continued the war. William of Orange; one of the ruthful haters of France was underestimated by Louis. However the prolonged war did bring benefits to the king. Many parts of the lower countries were captured. Turenne proved to be victorious. Although Louis was successful in conquering major parts of Spain and negotiations at Nygmen gave him strong hold over the events; he was not complacent with the gains achieved as a result of this prolonged war. One of the reasons for unhealthy international relstions was the aggressive attitude and conduct of the French