Hitler Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Adolf Hitler is known very well for his horrendous actions throughout WWII. His actions include gaining power over Germany, a country overcome by starvation, terrible living conditions, and an unstable economy. Fear is a result of the country’s tragedies which Hitler uses in order to manipulate and gain power among his people to kill the Jews, take over other countries, and establish a dictatorship. Germany’s society becomes corrupt because Adolf Hitler gained power by manipulation of fear.
An important theme in the novel Lord of the Flies, author William Golding highlights the important theme of power struggle - particularly between characters proceeding to obtain it, much like Hitler. Golding uses his characters to develop how civilization becomes corrupt when fear is used to manipulate the boys, in order for one to gain power. Jack uses fear to corrupt society by defying democracy, making and maintaining his own tribe, and by turning the boys into savages all contributing to the destruction of
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Furthermore, Samneric are forced into joining Jack’s tribe and participate in the hunt for Ralph. Ralph see’s them and wonders if Samneric are still loyal to him or have turned into savages, “ Samneric were somewhere in that line, and hating it. Or were they? ” (218). Samneric are forced to savagely participate in the hunt for Ralph because if they do not participate Jack will most likely tie them up and torture them again. Also, Samneric are not the only boys that are forced in the situation, since Jack rules through fear, many of the other boys are conscripted to join the hunt for Ralph and turn into a savage. At the end of the book, Jack turns the boys into complete savages. Jack uses fear of the beast and his own wrath to manipulate the boys to commit uncivilized crimes, that in turn, extinct

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