Rights Of Women Research Paper

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Rights of Women in three different legal codes
Throughout the history, each code of religion, law, governance includes some laws specifying rules and rights of women in the community, and period after period these rules and rights specify in greater ways. Woman is the half of the community has the greatest effect on the community throughout the history. Mother is the women that educate her children, and sacrifice most of her life for them. Wife is the woman, who works as the basis of building a happy and great family. Rule of women cannot be evaluated because of its great values. Throughout the history, women mostly have been looked as minorities, and their freedom has been banned sometimes, she couldn’t obtain all of their rights. If we looked
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In contrast of Hammurabi’s code in Islam women always have the right to obtain a portion from her father or relatives’ estate. In Islam, When someone dies his inheritance goes to his relatives. The text in Quran states “Men shall have a portion of what the parents and the near relatives leave, and women shall have a portion of what the parents and the near relatives leave, whether there is little or much of it; a stated portion .”The amount of inheritance that women obtain in most cases is half of the amount that men obtains from inheritance, this difference happened because men have more responsibilities of taking care of family and providing necessities than women. Additionally, In Islam generally and in Quran specifically there is a great focus on respecting parents and specifically respecting mothers. In more than one Ayaat of Quran the importance of respecting parents and specifically mother has been described because of her hard work of carrying them nine months and taking care of them. Importance of respecting mothers is explained as “We have committed a person about his parents. His mother carried him in her womb in weakness and debility, weaning him in two years. So he should be grateful to Me and his parents.” (Luqman; 16). Regarding marriage rights of women Quran focuses in the marriage contract, divorce , and polygamy. …show more content…
Each code throughout the history specified a part of laws for showing women’s rights. Laws in these codes are based on the situation before writing the laws. It has been noticed period after period, rights of women become broader, and women obtain more rights in the society. In Kurdistan’s constitution laws as a mixture of ancient and religious codes specifically Islamic codes, and modern codes specifies best rights for women in the

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