Odyssey And Gilgamesh Travel Log In Homer's Odyssey

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Odyssey/Gilgamesh Travel Log

Among the bronze fortified walls of Uruk lives gilgamesh, king of kings, half god, half mortal and ruler of Uruk. After the events of gilgamesh shamhat returned to the temple and Gilgamesh finally assumed his duties as a king. Shortly after a year had gone by he received a letter from the west. From a of man needing a extra crew member. This was the great adventurer Odysseus, great trickster and king of Ithaca was in need of a adventurer since losing all of his crew to the effects of the Trojan war. It had been 2 weeks since Odysseus had sent the letter and during that time he awaited gilgamesh's reply. While he was loading the boat for departure Odysseus saw something in the distance. Approaching was a horde of
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Instead of thinking about this problem and finding a non-physical solution, Gilgamesh instead swats calypso, knocking her out cold. While in the moment Gilgamesh grabs the drunken Odysseus and drags him back to the ship before he can destroy his marital bond. With lots of kicking and screaming and bumps over the head Odysseus relents and allows them both to go and navigate there way back to Ithaca. Whilst on the way there they realize they need to stop for supplies, seeing a nearby a palace Odysseus can only guess that it's the palace of Alcinous, king of the phaeacians. Landing upon the shore the duo had to decide how to approach the situation of getting in the palace, Odysseus as the trickster he is wants to wear a disguise and surprise the king. Gilgamesh seeing no point in this just walks up in and through the palace gates forcing Odysseus to follow. Upon entrance they realize that they have walked into a festival of Poseidon, god of the sea. Although perturbed the festival’s participates didn't show any signs of attacking. In the middle of the group of party goers was the king, seeing Odysseus he hailed him as a hero and absolutely demanded a story of him for crashing through the festival rudely before he was

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