Get Out Movie Genre

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Horror is one of my favorite film genres, and I enjoy all the subgenres that go along with it. Countless subjects involved in the genre include; zombie, slasher, paranormal, gore, psychological, and monsters. Even though there are numerous subgenres, they still have the same effect on human emotion. These movies can give the audience a sense of thrill and adrenaline. Furthermore, there are also two periods of the horror genre; classic and modern. Classic horror consists of movies that are based from literature including, Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Mummy. Modern horror consists of movies that happened after Psycho (1960). For this review, I chose Get Out. This movie was directed by Jordan Peele, who is mostly known for the Comedy Central show Key and Peele. Get Out is essentially about a mixed-race couple. Rose’s race is white, while Chris’ race is black. They plan a trip to go to Rose’s …show more content…
However, when we see these types of films, the monsters are usually rednecks or hillbillies. This film differs in the sense that this family is middle-class liberals. People that seem normal from the outside. Additionally, these are the people who claim they are not racist and try to help black people as much as they can. Having a white liberal family as the monsters adds to the terror because these people are supposed to be the people that African Americans do not have to worry about. Get Out also addresses the problem that African Americans face with police officers. For example, on the way to Rose’s house the, the couple hit a deer with their car. Rose calls the police and they show up at the scene. When the officer sees Chris, he asks him for his driver’s license, even though there is no need because they just hit a deer. Therefore, the normality is being threatened. The police are supposed to protect and defend us, and that means everybody, but they do the exact opposite in this

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