Generation Z's Election

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The Youth’s Impact On The 2016 Presidential Election

Grace Masback wrote, “With so many people trying to define what our generation means and stands for, its about time we offer our own perspective”, she explains how generation Z desires to express their exceptional potential. Generation Z, also known as the igeneration or post-millennials, consist of those born between the years 1995-2009. This year’s election will be the first to have a generation z’s vote. This is significant considering in the coming years almost half of the igeneration will be eligible to vote and joining the workforce if not attending college so, they will be greatly affected by the public agenda of the soon to be elected president. The youth will positively affect
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Forbes said “Generation Z is full of ‘rebels with a cause’”, for example, the “Black Lives Matter” movement identifies a historical ugliness that is finally receiving national attention due to its publicity through the Z’s aggressiveness and its tech-savviness. Today’s entertainers heavily influence the opinions and actions of the youth. Artist like YG and Kendrick Lamar who inspire the youth to be independent and not to be afraid to voice their opinions whether they be about the rights of minorities, police brutality, or the legalization of marijuana. Jenn Little expresses, “Having grown up amid major innovation and social change, Z’s are inquisitive and globally aware”, this explains why the igeneration is so attentive to student debts. They are, if not already enrolled in college will be in the coming years, and they have learned from the millennials that student loans and debt is nothing to joke about and to eliminate this, voters have to show initiative to understand the positions of the candidates. Post-millennials are the most different from any other generation and will greatly impact the coming years. Ryan Jenkins writes, “Generation Z desires more independent work environments. In fact, 72% of high school students say they want to start a business one day”, this clarifies how this generation is a cult of culture creators and entrepreneurs. Grace Masback also expresses that, “Institutional racism, sexism, and religion-fueled, narrow-minded

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