Gender Violence In Brazil

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Gender violence occurs worldwide and already permeates all social classes. This type of violence in Brazil, until recently, was treated as a trivial and insignificant problem. Consequently, several were types of violence committed by men against women with whom they often have emotional or living bond, ranging from a simple injury, considered against honor, to get to the murder, typified in the Penal Code as crime against life (BRAZIL, 1940).
Soares (2009) defines the problem with the term violence against women, focusing on a gender approach and limiting the spectrum of analysis to the parameters of what might be called, simplified, the feminist field. In this context, the author believes that:

The term "violence against women" is already
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The action takes place in partnership with various sectors of society, governmental and non-governmental. In Santarém, the PRO PEACE was inaugurated on March 8^th, 2012, being the date chosen in honor of International Women 's Day. With the implementation of this program, in the same place, women who suffer some kind of crime can be approached on social services, psychologists, health care and police …show more content…
In case of family, marital and/or emotional problems, and being offenses that depend on the representation, in some cases, a woman may request a appointment for a meeting with the delegate. If the victim had not been successful on the audience, she can requests the establishment of a police investigation in the case and the sufferer will be immediately supported by the urgent protective measurements guaranteed by the Maria da Penha‘s Law. Only after completion of police procedure, the survey records are sent to the Court of Domestic and Family Violence against Women of the local region, where it occurs throughout the course of the criminal prosecution of domestic violence.
It should be noted that all cases referred by social staff of PRO Peace to DEAM are met and recorded on a police report. In the case of unconditioned public action to criminal representation as specified by law, such as crimes of bodily injury, rape, murder, etc., the cases are issued to investigation with the objective of dispatching subpoenas, take requests, gathered from documents, reports, victim 's, witnesses‘ and accused’s

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