Force Feeding: Sacrifice For Our Parents Analysis

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“Force-Feeding: Cruel at Guantánamo, but O.K. for Our Parents” is an article in the New York Times that talks about the cruelness of giving patients a feeding tube who don’t necessarily require it. It goes through the immoral ethics of putting a patient through the possibility of pressure ulcers on their back from lying in bed, clogging or dislodging of the tube, general discomfort, and pain. The article goes on to claim that feeding tubes also cause agony for the families of patients, as they may think their loved one is in a worsened condition to a point where they can’t even eat without the help of a tube. It also states that sometimes these feeding tubes are actually used simply because that would require hiring more staff and the institution would spend more money. The author of this article focuses on utilizing the appeals, Ethos and Pathos. Ethos is used because the author, Haider Javed Warraich, is not only a writer for several popular news sites, but is also a physician and clinical researcher. Given this, it is safe to assume he has done his research and isn’t just some random person venting about their opinions. Pathos is used because the author gets personal talking about his experiences relating to feeding …show more content…
As far as not being able to have face-to-face communication, there is one problem with that argument. People don’t typically use social media as a complete substitute for interaction, it just makes it easier. Bullying has also been something that has been improving with abilities to block someone. Personally, I have had this problem in the past where someone made a fake account to send malicious messages to me on social media. Simply blocking them solved my problem instantaneously. Social media is beneficial, but it depends on how it is used by an individual. Using social media to compare your life to the life that others portray is not the intended

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