Lessons of Darkness is a film created in a poetic mode. It is set in Kuwait following the attacks from the Iraqi army setting fire in their oil fields. This film shows the gruesome nature and aftermath of war, and most importantly how that violence affects those both alive and dead. It primarily focuses on the effects of the people in Kuwait during the attacks, but towards the end it focuses on those trying to uncover what happened in the oil fields. Herzog transitions from showing a shot of live birds in the sky to a shot of the bones of the dead to a shot of empty vehicles and abandoned objects. He also pans over other objects and tools in a separate sequence that once belonged to the living. Herzog does all this as physical evidence of what truly happened. He also then interviews different women who give their accounts of what happened to them and their loved once as emotional evidence, also known as
Lessons of Darkness is a film created in a poetic mode. It is set in Kuwait following the attacks from the Iraqi army setting fire in their oil fields. This film shows the gruesome nature and aftermath of war, and most importantly how that violence affects those both alive and dead. It primarily focuses on the effects of the people in Kuwait during the attacks, but towards the end it focuses on those trying to uncover what happened in the oil fields. Herzog transitions from showing a shot of live birds in the sky to a shot of the bones of the dead to a shot of empty vehicles and abandoned objects. He also pans over other objects and tools in a separate sequence that once belonged to the living. Herzog does all this as physical evidence of what truly happened. He also then interviews different women who give their accounts of what happened to them and their loved once as emotional evidence, also known as