Theme Of Feminism In The Color Purple

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Feminism in “The Color Purple”
Arun George
Topic No: 46
The Color Purple by Alice Walker is an epistolary novel set in Rural Georgia in the early 20th century. The novel moves forward with letters written by the protagonist, Celie, to God, describing her perils, trials, tribulations, payers and hopes. The book won the Pulitzer Prize of 1983 and was adapted into a movie starring Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey in 1985 by Steven Spielberg.
Of the many themes that the novel deals with in detail, feminism is quite possibly the most important and visible theme in the novel. In addition, two key concepts of the feminist movement are particularly important in the novel and these two concepts are having a voice and giving women choices.
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[1] Celie chose to broke the patriarchal ideology when she discovers that Mr. Albert has been keeping letters from Nettie from her. Nettie decided to become a missionary to escape and fight her …show more content…
Nettie obtains freedom by engaging in education and leaves as a missionary. Sofia uses her right and ability to fight against her male oppressors, which also results in almost all her troubles. The sisterhood between Nettie and Celia is the only support the two sisters have as women. In a very striking scene from the novel, Celia, Squeak and Shug Avery leave together, confirming their sisterhood to Mr. Albert and the world at large. Celie chooses and determines her own sexuality after an intimate encounter with Shug

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