My family knew I was a different. I remember one christmas gathering when my cousins were taking a picture together I stood there across the room from them waiting for them to ask me to join them: they never did it broke my heart that the people I grew up with who always played with me, never wanted to be seen with me in one family photo. As I realised this I thought about all the other times with “friends” and family when I was excluded, or singled out for not wanting to enter act with them. Looking back now I have realised I don’t like the way my family acts. When I look at them I feel a hatred for the way they act and talk about each …show more content…
My aunt just recently found out I was gay. When she asked me she mouthed the words as if she was afraid someone would hear her ask, so me being a smart elick I said “Yes, I am very much gay, and I’m very proud of it.” She backed off after that a little shocked by my answer. Then she found out about my one stretched ear, oh boy in her eyes it was the end of the world. I can still remember her insults “Nobody is going to hire you, they will think you are a trend sweater, not a leader.” All I could do was look down and hold back tears. All I want to be is me, and who I am is a shy, girl loving, gage wearing, anxiety ridden, depressed, rock and roll loving, short, complicated, wants to be free, caring, gentle as a teddy bear, with a temper when someone hurts another, hard as a rock, animal lover who believes in the impossible, teenager with