Examples Of Grief In Hamlet

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To Grieve Is to Be Human
To lose a loved one is to lose a piece of self. It is human nature to go through grief. It is human nature to get consumed by each stage of grief, as if each stage is a demon. The funny thing about demons is that they are hard to control. The Prince of Denmark, Hamlet, in the play Hamlet was no exception. In fact, his demons killed him. The play, Hamlet, was written by William Shakespeare, and it was first published in 1603. In the play, Hamlet was a young prince whose father died. Most would figure that, that was the cause of his grief. However, it was only a part of Hamlet’s distress. The other part was the grief he suffered from his mother marrying two months after his father’s death to his uncle. Throughout the play, Hamlet
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Screaming. Crying. Anger is an emotional response to being upset. It is also the second stage of grief. In Hamlet, Hamlet has anger throughout the entire play, from his first scene to his last. The way an audience can tell that his anger is due to the grief he suffers is by looking at the things Hamlet gets angry at. The first instance of his anger is in Act I Scene ii. Hamlet’s first line includes his anger. He states, “A little more than kin, and less than kind!” (20) In that line, Hamlet is stating he is closer to Claudius, the King and Hamlet’s stepfather, than just a regular family member, but he, also, has harsh feelings for Claudius. This can be inferred by Hamlet saying he has less than kind feelings for Claudius. Another instance of Hamlet’s anger is in Act V Scene ii. Even after Hamlet had accepted his Father’s death and death itself, he had still not forgiven or accepted Claudius. This is shown in Hamlet’s last words to Claudius. Hamlet speaks, “Here, incestuous, murd’rous, damned Dane / Drink off this potion. / Is thy union here? Follow my mother.” (286) In that moment, it is shown that Hamlet is not only still angry at Claudius for killing his father, but also for killing his mother as

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