Ethical Proof

Improved Essays
I. Invention
a. Research Recourses
I think Abby did a really good job with her research. She found information from some good creditable sources that was very relevant to what she was speaking about. One source however, The Examiner, isn’t really the most creditable. I think she could have found a better source in place of that. On her outline, I have no idea where her sources are in her speech and I got sort of lost when she gave her speech so I didn’t get to write it down.

b. Methods of influencing an audience
i. Ethical Proof
Abby was very knowledgeable about how body hygiene can effect you socially. She used example of how people will talk about you poorly and judge you if you don’t keep up your hygiene. She talks about how it will be harder for you to make friends and people will be offended by you.

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Emotional Proof
For emotional proof, Abby uses the examples of how body image effects you. She talks about how it can lower your self esteem and how it will effect you emotionally. It effects people emotionally when you tell them they can get depressed from not keeping up their body image. It also effects people with positive emotions when you tell them that they’ll have higher self esteem with better body

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