Essay On The Symbol Of Pearl In The Scarlet Letter

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A symbol is a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract. In the book The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbols to play a major role to get a deeper understanding for the characters. In the book, Pearl is the symbol of negative and positive in Hester’s life; an extension of Hester herself. Pearl has different personalities corresponding to the setting or suspense in the story. Her personalities change so frequently, she can be symbolized as a coin; having two personalities that are regarded as two parts of her own being.
Pearl has a tremendous meaning to her mother. Hester loves her child more than anything. Even though the townspeople see Pearl as being strange and a “devil child”, Hester doesn’t let what the others think bother her. To Hester, Pearl symbolizes a blessing and her greatest treasure, just as Hawthorne claims in the book, “she named her
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One source writes that “she is so much more important as a symbol then as agent. She is a type-- the Universal Child” (Abel par. 17). Pearl is the living version of her mother’s Scarlet Letter. Hester is given the Scarlet Letter because she gave birth to little Pearl. The reader then perceives Pearl as the symbol of all the evil and sin in Hester Prynne’s life. She interprets to be an evil-devilish child, along with being very sneaky and smarter than she appears. Hawthorne writes, “An imp of evil; emblem and product of sin,” (90), which gives the impression, to the reader, that Pearl symbolizes evil in The Scarlet Letter. Also, no one realizes that Dimmesdale is Pearl’s father, other than Pearl herself, in fact is strange considering she is a seven year old. She is smarter than she seems. Pearl asks her mother in the novel, relating to Dimmesdale, “Doth he loves us?”, indicating that she knows that he means more than just a priest to her and

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