Is It Fair To Imprison A Child

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Is it fair for a parent to isolate/imprison a child (teenager) for years at home for breaking the law?
It is not fair for a parent to imprison a child at home for breaking a law because even though it might be their child, they do not fully own that person and even though they should have full protection over their child they don't fully have ownership over the teenager. A country's law will also dictate what a parent is allowed to do with the child. For a parent to decide whether they should imprison their own child it is better go to court and have many witnesses and other points of view to make a solid decision. Although some parents do take matters into their own hands and decide the punishments I do believe that it is not fair for some
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Even though a certain parent might believe that the crime committed is seriously bad, they would still need to go to court to fully decide on this and only then it is fair to imprison your child if it is needed. If a child was locked up for many years at home, they would most probably go mental since they have no social life, or friends to talk to and hang around with. So there are many disadvantages of being locked up at home, you have a lot of boundaries, you are restricted from your own house and are most likely not allowed out. If you are locked in your house you can receive help and care from parents. Also community members around the house would be in danger because maybe the child has committed an extreme crime and is very near to innocent people which means, the community might be in danger of the teenager's mental …show more content…
Even though you will also lose many valuable years locked up at least you will spend them reflecting on your errors. A child might have had some valuable time locked up and never commit the same crime as they did

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