Emmeline Pankhurst's Suffrage

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Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928) was born in Moss Side, Manchester. In fact, it is her birth certificate, which states so; else she believed that she was born a day earlier on Bastille Day (The National Celebration) that had a special influence on her life. She was a British political activist, leader of the suffragette movement and was the major contributor in helping women to win the right to vote. She was born and brought up by her politically active parents in England. Out of ten children she was the eldest among all the five sisters and the most intelligent among all children but unfortunately she faced gender-discrimination in her own house. Being the victim of the prevailing patriarchal society where education of boys was considered more …show more content…
She was named as one of the hundred most important people of the 20th century, as “she shaped an idea of women for our time; she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back” (Warner 1). She was involved with Women’s Franchise League, which advocated suffrage for women. She also worked as a poor law guardian and was shocked by the harsh conditions she encountered in the workhouses. She was the founder of the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU)—a women suffrage organization which was dedicated to “deeds, not words” (18). She was awarded The Holloway Medal (Imprisonment Medal) in …show more content…
It also unravels systematically the patriarchal society and the unending discrimination and sufferings that women have undergone through ages. At a very young age, the sense of right and wrong was inculcated inside Pankhurst. She was aware of the fact that she along her sisters were discriminated against by their brothers who represented the patriarchal mindset. Nevertheless, she firmly believed that she would work relentlessly to end such discrimination and to fight against the injustice which every girl or woman has to face in her family as well as in the society at large. It is a highly inspiring text the way Pankhurst fought on behalf of the women of her country to achieve equal status in the society and uproot the discrimination based on gender. Further, the most important part of the book is that, it encouraged the women from every nook and corner of the country to come forward and show their resentment against inequality and injustice thereby becoming active members of the suffrage movement. Maya Angelou (1928-2014) was born in St. Louis Missouri to Bailey Johnson and Vivian Johnson. She spent her childhood in Stamps, Arkansas when the community was racially marginalized. She was honored by universities, literary organizations, government agencies

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