Elvis Is Alive Madelon Harvey Year 11

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Elvis is Alive Madelon Harvey Year 11.

January 8th 1935, the legend, an unforgettable figure, and the King of Rock and Roll was brought into the world. August 16th 1977, the same man died, or did he? Elvis Presley, to date, is one of the most iconic rock and roll artists of all time. More than forty years after his passing, Elvis Presley remains a global celebrity. A biographical film has been released about his life. The film focuses on all aspects of his life, including his wife of 6 years, Priscilla Beaulieu Presley and all the scandals that came with the marriage, his upbringing and what led Elvis to becoming a global sensation, even to this day.

Elvis Presley's whole life was nothing short of glamorous. Many hardcore rock and roll fans
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Elvis Presleys middle name is Aron. Yes you read that right, it is spelt with only one A. The kings middle name is to honour Vernon Presleys (Elvis’ father) friend, Aaron Kennedy, but was spelt without the second A to match Elvis’ still-born twin brother, Jesse Garon Presley. Elvis Presley gravestone reads “Elvis Aaron Presley”. Many fans speculate that Vernon Presley knew his son’s corpse wasn't lying beneath the grave, therefore, couldn't bear to grave Elvis’ real name onto the headstone. Author Rosey Lavender, …show more content…
He was known to use "antihistamines, tranquilizers such as Valium, barbiturates, Quaaludes, sleeping pills, hormones and laxatives, for the constipation." PBS reported that at the time of Presley's death two pathologists "found evidence of severe and chronic constipation, diabetes and glaucoma." (Munson 2022) According to the book "Elvis Presley: A Southern Life," the autopsy "confirmed what his doctors already knew: Elvis was chronically ill with diabetes, glaucoma, and constipation." Williamson, William J., 2014, p.

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