Elementary Classroom Observation

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I had the pleasure of observing Wendy Brown. Ms. Brown teaches first through fifth grade special need students. She teaches math and language arts by being a co-teacher, and she also teaches in the resource room. Her students never called her Ms. Brown, but they called her Ms. Wendy. During my observations I experienced how Ms. Wendy taught in a co-teacher setting, how she taught in a resource room setting, and how the students react when things change in the classroom.
I observed Ms. Wendy when she was co-teaching the fifth-grade math class. She oversaw checking to see if all the students did their homework, and she walked around the room to make sure the students were on task while her co-teacher taught the full classroom. During one class
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There was on four students in the classroom, and they all seemed to have a pretty good relationship with each other and Ms. Wendy. Ms. Wendy had a semi-circle table that they all sat at, and she would sit on the other side where the students would be facing her. To open every class, she would play a sing-a-long math video that the kids would sing along to. The video covered skip counting, and it would normally be a remake of another song they would know, so they can get the numbers in their head. If they were not doing so well, she would then right the numbers on the table with a dry erase marker for them to see and say it better. Ms. Wendy also knew how to interact with each child. One of the students was really struggling with a concept, and she would come next to her and write the problem out on the table for the student to better understand. She also knew when students were in a bad mood, and she would let them take break in the corner tell they felt ready to learn. In the resource room, the students looked more relaxed, and they could learn in the way that would help them the …show more content…
There was a slight change in schedule one day, and one of the students was not happy with it all. He had an attitude towards Ms. Wendy, and he spent most of the day with his head on the table. Ms. Wendy was so patient with him, and she let him pout around, while she focused on her other students. I also could go in when there was a substitute in the room. The same child was not thrilled, and he became easily aggravated with the other students. One of the other ones was pushing he buttons, and I thought he was about to snap. The substitute had also been in that the special education field for a while, and she knew to be very patient with him and try to keep him calm. Therefore, it’s so important to have a relationship with those

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