Therefore I could not answer what their motivating factors were that drive them to rebut the issue. Personally I would be shocked if any person or organization choose to oppose equality in education.
3) A) The most current law to be passed in regards to education inequality is the No Child Left behind Act which was signed into law in 2002.
B) What's the future hold for education inequality?
What’s your prediction of what will happen in 20 years from now in regards to your issue?
My prediction of what will happen in 20 years from now in regards of education inequality will be that the U.S. will follow the lead of the many European countries who are already exercising educational systems with success that are just simply extending childcare during preschool years and making child care affordable for all families, regardless of socioeconomic status. The end result would equalize every child and give them an opportunity to succeed.
c) What changes or improvements would you recommend for the direction of this