Golden Quotes:
Beginning: “You are a man of extreme passion, a hungry man not quite sure where his appetite lies, a deeply frustrated man striving to project his individuality against a backdrop of rigid conformity”(Capote 41). This quote portrays Smiths internal conflict with not being able to prosper in this world. Smith is depicted as a man with extreme passion and finds himself and his creativity restricted by the boundaries the people around him have established. His inner frustrations can be one of the reasons why he is extremely sensitive to criticism. I find myself interested in this quote because it shows how Smith never felt that he fit in anywhere, and this quote is present in the text to almost …show more content…
There is “chief defect, or imbalance, in the structure is that by page 74 we know that four people have been butchered by two degenerates and we wonder what in the world is going to occupy the remaining 269 pages. Just a detective story? Some psychoanalytical delving?. I agree with Kauffmann on this one because I too while reading this book felt like there was not much substance left into it after a certain point. Capote seemed to stretch the plot structure to the point where the entire book became extremely slow. In Kauffmann’s point of view, “Capote demonstrates on almost every page that he is the most outrageously overrated stylist of our time. There is the congenital inability to write straightforward English”. I agree that there are various parts where the book seems like a stretch, but the style of the entire book was very appealing to me. Many times Capote described things in a unique way to make the story seem candid. Kauffmann does bring up some good points about the book that perhaps Capote could have improved on but I do disagree with changing the way it was written because it the style captured the story