Differences Between The Purritans And Their Beliefs

Decent Essays
The puritans had five main beliefs: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints.

Total depravity
Total depravity is referring to original sin. When, adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, we, his descendants, would have this hereditary stain that would instil a tendency for humans to sin. This belief to the puritans is true however they also believe that there isn't a single, appalling crime that humanity isn't capable of committing. This is illustrated in Psalm 51:5-7.

Unconditional Election
Explained in Romans 8:29, Unconditional Election or Predestination is the belief that god chose who would be saved and who wouldn't be. The person can not do anything to determine God's choice. Just being a member of the church isn't enough to be saved. You have to follow everything to the T.
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However, in Matthew 20:28, It's explained that atonement only extends to those chosen by god.

Irresistible Grace
The beliefs that's explained in John 6:37-40, that when god chose to save someone that person would never be able to resist or fight God's grace. You can be chosen internally through your heart or externally by preaching the word of god.

Perseverance of the Saints
The Perseverance of the Saint is the belief that once a person was chosen to be saved by god they would never depart from that path (Philippians 1:6). At this point the person would completely understand God's word and never turn against it. So, they would persevere toward

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