Definition Essay: Does Money Lead To Happiness?

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One thing that has a tight grip on the world is money. Money is the essential necessity for every person. Money goes to taxes that fill our community with the material to keep us happy, to fuel our home lives, and just about anything one could imagine. So, when somebody is asked ‘Does money lead to happiness?’, it might be difficult to answer, for the definition of happiness varies from person to person. Some might say yes with the facts of; I can pay for my house, feed my family, and support the people I care for with extra money. Others may so no because their definition of happiness is different. “Sure, money would be nice. It would pay for the necessities like a home, car and food. Although, true happiness, in my opinion, comes from how you live your …show more content…
The real question here should be, “What makes you happy?” Even if someone believes money can lead to happiness or not, University of Michigan has pulled statistics showing people have a more happy life when they have more money. It is a fact that money can give people a more comfortable life. For the obvious reasons, like having a stable home, filled with food and running water as well as transportation and luxuries that only money can buy. In the United States 80% of americans are in debt from housing costs, college expenses, mortgage, and many other variables. Just imagine, if these americans with debt got paid more or had more money. Their stress would lessen because they wouldn’t be constantly worried about the amount of money they owe and whether or not they will be able to afford their next bill. People with continuous stress, such as debt, could harm themselves physically and psychologically from just overwhelming themselves with worry all the time. People who have money won’t have that constant stress from not being able to pay off their debt and would live a healthier

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