Correction Industries is a Washington business. It contributes approximately $32 million per year to the Washington economy through purchases from local suppliers and payment of staff salaries. The revenue from goods and services sold by CI go into a revolving fund which pays all offender wages, staff salaries and benefits, and materials and supplies used to produce products. Headed by the Secretary of Department of corrections and the Correctional Industries director, correctional industries was created in 1983 and is a division of the Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC), and operates businesses within prisons throughout Washington. It is self-sufficient and use the money from sales to run the program. It is a mix of business and government using private industry tools and technology to provide a public service. Operations within the state correctional facilities are supported by sales to state agencies, county, local government and not for profit organizations. As a major entity within the Department of Corrections, it is the mission of Correctional Industries to provide marketable job skills and job training to offenders who are incarcerated in state correctional facilities. …show more content…
All offenders will need a legitimate means to support themselves and their families after release. Correctional Industries work program is an important component in the process of preparing an offender for a successful reentry into the communities. Opportunity is provided to offenders who want to take an active role in changing their behavior that led them to incarceration. Correctional Industries programs help reduce the cost of government, reduce recidivism, and in turn creates fewer victims. CI has been producing license plates for Washington since 1923. CI is the lowest cost manufacturer in the nation for embossed plates. Correctional Industries has been in existence since 1981. Some of the shops, like license plates, have been operating since 1926. Class II industries are state-owned and operated enterprises designed to reduce the cost of goods and services for tax-supported agencies and nonprofit organizations. Correctional Industries is a …show more content…
CI manufactures a large selection of products from food to clothing to furniture. They also provide services such as braille transcription, laundry, food service, computer-aided design, and furniture installation
There is five class of operation, Class I - Private Sector Partnership: Class I industries allow private sector companies to operate within state correctional facilities. The company provides management, on-site supervision, on-the-job training, and all machinery and equipment.
Class II - Tax Reduction Industries: Class II industries are businesses owned and operated by the state, producing goods and services for tax-supported and non-profit organizations. The programs provide job training and work experience for offenders.
Class III - Institutional Support Industries: Class III operations are directed by the Prisons Division personnel at each institution. Offenders who work in Institutional Support Industries may be assigned jobs in food service, grounds keeping, laundry, maintenance, or as office