Analysis Of Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

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Purpose: In Into the Wild, while Jon Krakauer shows the consequences of choosing living differently, he clarifies that Chris McCandless’s different life philosophy results in his overall happiness. Jon Krakauer uses Into the Wild to show that being ambitiously different causes overall happiness for the individual. McCandless believes happiness is connected with new experiences; therefore, the key to a happy life is to consistently go through change and chose a different life style (Krakauer 57). Many others, however, are accustomed to “a life of security, conformity, and conservatism” (Krakauer 57) which often is the safe route. However, McCandless understands that he associates happiness with wilderness and decides to make the change and …show more content…
As Krakauer explores Chris McCandless and his journey, he slowly recognizes the difference between McCandless and society. In the Author’s Note, Krakauer introduces this idea by stating the different responses received after his article in the Outside. While some admired McCandless’s passion, many others criticized McCandless for his carelessness, stating he is being characterized as a hero when in reality he was “a wacko” (Krakauer Author’s Note). This criticism is again highlighted when Krakauer interviews one of McCandless’s managers, Lori Zarza. Zarza was the assistant manager of the McDonald’s (Krakauer 40) McCandless worked at after leaving El Golfo de Santa Clara for Las Vegas (Krakauer 36-37). As a coworker, Zarza states that McCandless was obviously different from the other employees (Krakauer 40). However, McCandless talking about “trees and nature” (Krakauer 40) does not mean he may be “missing a few screws” (Krakauer 40). This fallacious thinking shows how McCandless’s interest in nature and in his dreams to live in the wilderness was perceived as weird to others. Another negative reaction would be the complexities to McCandless and his life philosophy that often confused his family. McCandless’s decision to abandon his traditional life and go to Alaska to find himself, and as result happiness, was a choice that made little sense to others. This decision to …show more content…
Krakauer description his journey to the top of Devil 's Thumb is filled with mysterious diction that creates an alluring mood for the Alaskan mountain. Krakauer describes the climb up the mountain filled with images of elusive ice and pure blue skies. The word "cleaner" (Krakauer 138) to describe the sky implies the purity and sacredness of the uncharted mountain range. Furthermore, the word "collier" (Krakauer 138) described the attractiveness of the glaciers and connects the aesthetic beauty to the emotions he experienced at the time. Emotionally, Krakauer feels intensity of the secluded area and is intrigued by it, encouraging him to reach the top of the mountain and see what it has to offer. While he doesn 't feel like Alaska holds answers as McCandless did, Alaska’s mystifying features attracted Krakauer as it did for McCandless. McCandless’s description of nature differs in the sense that McCandless sees the mystery in a more positive, renewing way. McCandless’s journal entry on July 2nd classifies the wilderness as quiet and peaceful (Krakauer 169). While the word “secluded” (Krakauer 169) may have negative connotations, in McCandless’s case, it can be seen positively. For McCandless, being alone in the Alaskan wilderness did not mean being lonely; rather, it meant connecting with nature. McCandless sees nature, specifically the

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