I liked that Professor Rosenzweig has brought up a few excellent points to make us think critically, rather than jump to conlclusions or provide us with his own opinon. His comparison of Stuxnet to the first nuclear bomb is a good example for this lecture. The unknown damages, consequnces, and fear are only a few of many concerns that spread around world when the nuclear bomb was tested. In Stuxnet's case, it is difficult to try and build a defense against something that is difficult to discover, trace, and stop, therefore the best defense is to highly protect the computer system and anything that is attached to
I liked that Professor Rosenzweig has brought up a few excellent points to make us think critically, rather than jump to conlclusions or provide us with his own opinon. His comparison of Stuxnet to the first nuclear bomb is a good example for this lecture. The unknown damages, consequnces, and fear are only a few of many concerns that spread around world when the nuclear bomb was tested. In Stuxnet's case, it is difficult to try and build a defense against something that is difficult to discover, trace, and stop, therefore the best defense is to highly protect the computer system and anything that is attached to