The Importance Of Choices In Henry Kreisel's The Broken Globe

Superior Essays
An individual's choices can reveal their values, beliefs, personality and their attitudes. However these beliefs might not always be correct or well setting with others. As a result an individual must make the choice of their beliefs and values over hurting others. In the short story, “The Broken Globe”, written by Henry Kreisel, tells the story of Nick Solchuk’s childhood on the prairies and describes the relationship with his father. Nick is a young boy whose father has deeply set religious values. When Nick begins school he is introduced to science which changed Nick’s life and he believes in the reasoning of science, causing differing views with his father. Consequently this difference causes Nick to grow apart from his father as Nick's …show more content…
However many years later nick realizes the importance of their relationship and begins to rekindle the relationship with his father. Kreisel suggests that one’s choices can show the hidden characteristics and personalities of a person which affects the people around them.

When Nick begins school he is exposed to scientific reasoning which affects his way of thinking as it is much different from the teachings his father most likely taught him. Nick’s beliefs begin to shift from a form of Medieval teachings which his father had instilled in him to a more modernized way of thinking. Nick learns many new ideas in school however the most significant teaching would be “how the earth is round like a ball” and discussed how “it moves around the sun and never stops”(272). Nick is very content with the new information he received from school, but in the father's opinion Ms. Mckenzie, Nicks school teacher, is telling him all lies and “no son of [his] should believe it.” This shows Nick is keen to learn new things even if it affects the relationship with his father. Ms.Mckenzie is also showing This specific fact did not
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Nick, a young boy from three bear hills alberta, is taught the medieval ways of his father. However when Nick begins school he is introduced to the reasoning of science which cause conflicting views with his Father. Consequently, Nick's relationship with his father begins to collapse as there differing views acts as barrier between nick and his success. Despite the difference, Nick and his father have many years later. Nick, decides to revive his relationship with his father once again as he realizes the importance. Kreisel demonstrates that actions can bring out a person's values and beliefs. And can be used to understand someone's identity more extensively. However, one's values and beliefs may affect others negatively and can have long term impacts as they contrast their own

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