Boys To Water Essay Questions

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1.Why are there so many references to time and numbers in the first part of the story?
Time is made up of numbers, and time is what Santiago is running out of, we can tell that he’s pretty worn down.There’s constant reminders of time throughout the book for example,“once there had been a tinted photograph of his wifeon the wall but he had taken it down because it made him too lonely to see it.”Memories are also connected to the idea of time, like the picture of his wife. It probably made him sad seeing that photo, and his memories of his youth as a child, which connect with his dreams of lions on the beach.That bring him comfort,”He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach. They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them.” Finally, the days of how long the old man had not caught a single fish eighty-four, because of his unluckiness.”
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3. What sports do the old man and the boy talk about and what is the importance of all the references to sports? Why is Joe DiMaggio so important?
Santiago and the boy, talk about baseball.Joe DiMaggio is important because you can tell that the old man looks up to him, and that he idolizes him, because of his bone spur, and he doesn’t quit with his condition and keeps his determination to win spite of his handicap.And gave courage to the old man to not to give up because of a similar injury which was his cramps.”DiMaggio who does all things perfectly even with the pain of the bone spur in his heel.”
4. What are the old man's recurring dreams, and what do they

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