Bowling For Columbine Ethos Pathos Logos

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The film by Michael Moore in 2006, “Bowling for Columbine” demonstrates how Michael Moore reaches a sizable audience, for example gun owners. He also explains the causes of gun violence in the United States. With Michael Moore using Columbine High School as an example sets a standard throughout the film. Moore establishes the ethos by describing his childhood and his passion for guns and by mentioning his membership in the NRA. Moore also studies the unexplained theories for the violence at Columbine High School. He uses his personal connection to his home state, Michigan, to clarify similarities between poverty and gun violence by studying the murder of the six-year-old, Kayla.
Firstly, having Michael Moore establish his ethos by discussing his childhood and his passion for guns also
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Moore travels and interviews people asking them what they think about guns and gun violence . He also asks if they think that everyone should be able to have a gun and why is America one of the most dangerous countries in the world in terms of gun violence. For example,April 20 1999 he uses the bombing of Kosovo (Serbia), when the US dropped the bombs on the 20th of April in 1999. In addition, he uses his personal connection to his home state, Michigan, to clarify similarities between poverty and gun violence by studying the murder of the six-year-old, Kayla. Moore shows and explains how it wasn’t the mother’s fault for this shooting because she was apart of the welfare to work program and she was rarely home. This demonstrates how a mother is trying to support her family and is criticized because she was not there to watch and guide her son.
In conclusion, Bowling for Columbine main points throughout the documentary is to discuss factors regarding the violence in America and focusing on gun control. He gives many interviews and facts portraying how America has the most gun-related deaths per

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