Boo Radley To Kill A Mockingbird

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In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Boo Radley is presented to the readers as a troubled man, feared by the entire County of Maycomb. During Boo’s younger years he became acquainted with the Cunninghams from Old Sarum, and formed the closest thing to a gang that Maycomb County had ever seen. When they were caught and put to court, Boo's father continued to insist that “[. . .] no Radley was going to any asylum, [. . .] Boo wasn’t crazy, he was high-strung at times.” (Lee 12). Boo’s father was very intent on keeping Boo out of a mental asylum even though he clearly could have benefited from it. His troubled ness is especially obvious when Mr. Radley is on the verge of death. Much of the town begins to believe that Boo Radley will be the

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