With the black women leadership model one of the things these women did was they bridge theory with practice. By acknowledging the theory’s and practice and asking themselves how can they make things work?
Next you had to be proactive not just reactive, by this you should not be asking yourself what is happening. Instead take the time to understand and know what is happing in the issues. Then ask, what are some of the possibilities, and can change what the rules are. In this case, one can be proactive and not just reactive to what is happening in the issues. Now one other important thing to acknowledge is group leadership, where you have not just one individual making all the decisions. But rather this is a situation where one takes on different people who have different skills levels. For example, if a certain individual is great at public speaking and this person becomes the spokesperson this spokesperson shouldn’t feel to be the leader. When you have divergent crowds plus different skills it will make work smoother, according to Abdullah. This is very different from black liberation movement where you have one person making the decisions and others function base upon what the one person mentioned. Including Ella Baker emphasizes a group center was of organizing feminist leadership model and allowed youth to do their thing. And when we see students in the civil rights movement this was all because of Elle