Mankind can still find love even when surrounded by loss and inevitable death, if one is willing. Love can be presented anywhere and at anytime. Ernest Hemingway expresses this in his novel For Whom The Bell Tolls through the characterization of Robert Jordan and Maria, the symbolism of the snow, and the situational irony of the ending.
Furthermore, Hemingway portrays the character Robert Jordan as a hard, fearless, and noble man, whose priority is his mission and cannot be distracted and has “no time for girls.” (Hemingway, 6) Jordan, with no idea or wanting of finding love, is soon locked eyes with the soft and beautiful Maria. With a three-day time period to complete his mission, Jordan becomes confused at his strange and newly felt emotion toward Maria which grows and evolves from beauty and lust, to a feel of need and love so strong that happened in the snap of two fingers. “Such things don’t happen. Maybe it never did happen.” (Hemingway, 76) Jordan is expressing his new and extraordinary feeling he holds and confuses his thoughts with that of a dream, leaving Jordan with the wonder of how this feeling came to be. Hemingway gives Jordan a path in which transitions him from a man whose mind is a record stuck on winning the war and completing his mission, to a man who on his journey realizes that the uncanny love he carries for Maria on one shoulder, bears more weight than that of his mission.This shows what and who Jordan is truly fighting for, and how love is found when least expected. Moreover, the usage of love is expressed in many forms. …show more content…
When Maria and Robert Jordan first had intercourse, it was to please sexual desires. It then matured into a more passionate form of “loving making.” Their spark only more developed as their time shortened. Hemingway created this form of complexity of love and time showing how true love can be spawned in the worst of times. “And I can be thy woman?” (Hemingway, 41) Maria is a gentle and sweet woman devoured by love and wants only to continue being in love. Maria holds an important role as she helps with the plans of their mission and often gives support to everyone around her. As there is romantic love being shared by Jordan and Maria, there is also more love spread toward Maria from the friends that surround her. Whether It'd be platonically or compassionate the ability to find love unexpectedly, is what makes love much stronger. SYMBOLISM Nevertheless, love can as well cause pain as much as it causes happiness. …show more content…
Sometimes love can be destructive, a beautiful destructive force that cannot be controlled. Much like in the novel, the snow represents the little power mankind holds, and like love, cannot be held back. “In a snowstorm it always seemed, for a time, as though there were no enemies.” (Hemingway, 100) The graceful white coat is also a physical representation of the feeling of love; as beautiful as it may seem, falling in love, especially in a warzone can cause problems. The inability to take action where emotions cloud judgment may be the greatest enemy of all, and no matter how gorgeous, it can be expected to cause more pain. IRONY In spite of Robert Jordan’s mission being complete, as he escapes on horse riding toward safety, the horse that Jordan was on, got