Atticus Finch Trial

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Atticus Finch, the best lawyer in Maycomb, was sitting nervously in his chair as he waited for the town Judge to arrive in court. Tom Robinson, Atticus client, was in trouble for raping a white woman but that was not what really happened. The true story was Tom Robinson is a black man that worked for The Ewells family but the father’s daughter Mayella accused Tom for raping her but what really happened was the father hit his daughter for having a crush on Tom so she had to make up a lie which the jury would rather believe the white woman instead of the black man because the town was still racist in this time period. Tom’s lawyer Atticus Finch was a white man defending him but they don’t think they are going to win because of the people against …show more content…
But these aren't the only reasons. Atticus knew Tom was innocent as soon as he saw Tom's limp hand, remember? How could've Tom raped Mayella if he was injured??? And, how could Atticus leave Tom to the claws of the white, racist jury??? Tom was innocent; Atticus HAD to defend him. After all, wasn't it Atticus who said, "It is a sin to kill a mockingbird," and "Just because we were licked a hundred years ago, it doesn't mean we don't have to stop trying." Atticus knows there is no way Tom can receive a fair trial, and that he isn't going to get a jury of his peers. The extreme prejudice of the entire town does not allow Tom to receive justice, and Atticus believes he can at least bring this to the light of day. He admits he cannot win the trial but must do what is right despite the probable outcome. It is not only because he wants to do what is right, he also wants his children to see him do what is right. Through testimony and the actions of those in court, it is revealed that a person's class may limit him as much as a person's race in certain situations. The Ewells are considered trash by both black and white neighbors, and they are so physically dirty that they are indistinguishable from a black

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