Apparitions In Macbeth

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In “Macbeth” by Shakespeare, In Act 4 scenes 1 pages 130-144, I read about
Three witches in a cave stirring a cauldron with a mix of disgusting ingredients, all the while chanting “double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble” (p130 lines 10-11). Hecate makes an appearance and sing along but leaves before Macbeth enters. He demands answers from the witches about his future. The witches use a spell to summon some apparitions. The first apparition is an armed head that warns Macbeth of Macduff the Thane of Fife. The second is a bloody child who says “Be bloody, bold and resolute, Laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth” (p136 lines 79-81). Macbeth is encouraged by this saying. Then a crowned

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