Animal Testing On Cosmetics: Pros And Cons

Improved Essays
Many corporations use animals not only in research but to test cosmetics. Everything from the traditional lab rat to non-human primates injected with diseases such as HIV can be found in scientific laboratories every day. Some corporations such as L’Oréal, M.A.C. Cosmetics, and many others use animal testing. Animal testing is used widely around the world. Using animals as test subjects is a form of animal cruelty and should be banned from all countries. One article states, “Animal testing, or animal research, refers to the use of animals in experiments within academic, research, or commercial establishments” (Swami, Furnham, and Christopher 269). Beck, Smiley, Bittman, Gingrich, Rice, and Stiglitz claim that many “animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to …show more content…
While there are painless trials . . . some animals are killed immediately after each trial. And in some cases, animals suffer from chemical poisoning or injuries, which would force them to live the rest of their lives in captivity” (12 Pros and Cons of Animal Testing on Cosmetics). The tests scientists perform are often intolerable and lead to death of the animal. One source insists, “Many corporations use the Draize eye test . . . [which] involves rabbits being incapacitated in stocks with their eyelids held open by clips . . . so they cannot blink away the products being tested” (Beck, Smiley, Bittman, Gingrich, Rice, and Stiglitz 1) These processes are very cruel to any living animal. They don’t only force these animals to perform unbearable acts but they also “kill [the

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