Essay On Who Killed Benny Paret And On Dumpster Diving

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This great big country,”The United States of America has over 1 million charities for different types like,hunger, mentoring, or even medical. The three short stories “Thirty-Eight Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police”,”Who Killed Benny Paret”, and On Dumpster Diving” were all wrote to persuade readers in times of emergency to get involved or stay distant from the problem. This is the idea for readers to gain an idea of what they would do during times like these, whether they agree or disagree with the story’s baseline. In times of Chaos the possible explanations of apathy could derive from multiple places such as the fear of being involved, the lack of time, and not wanting to be an outcast in society. First off stories after stories always …show more content…
This takes up the average person’s agenda.”On Dumpster Diving” is about a man and his testimony of being homeless. He mentions the students throwing out food because they do not know “if it is spoiled,or when it will spoil”. The lack of time these students put into these items and think of their worth, they just throw it away. Their are billions that are homeless that lack food and the normal household abuses the privileges to have food. The average person throws away about 3 pounds of food per day, it is only imaginary what that food could be used for people without it. The lack of time spent saving and recycling also goes along with the concept of charities. There are numerous charities involved with child hunger, homeless, and more. The normal american do not think about these things because it is not a reality to them therefore they do not worry about it. The children hunger program is a program broadcasted all over televisions including the sad songs and pitiful faces on the commercial. Inhabitat made to persuade people to help with these problems. Most will look,feel bad, and promote to helping but often get of task for another thing. The lack of time falls into place so much when it comes to why people do not get involved, also another reasoning could be not wanting to be an outcast to

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