And how working blue collar during the summer help him to stay focused on college all the more. Nevertheless, how this event in his life is a lesson in itself. I will address how I agree with the Author-Article "Some Lesson from The Assembly Line". Furthermore, using an example from the Article to help develop the author point of view about working at a factory job and the importance of a college education. However, while viewing the author article he wants to grab our attention and show us his complaint about working a blue-collar job while off during the summer break from college and how his rather be studying his college work. I plan to show how the author wants to give his point of view about College, Blue collar job, low wages, long work day, and the importance of completing college. How working hard during the summer break to make ends meet while off during summer break from …show more content…
The things that factory work has taught me--how lucky I am to get an education, how to work hard, how easy it is to lose that work once you have it--are by no means earth-shattering. Everyone has to come to grips with them at some point. How and when I learned these lessons, however, has inspired me to make the most of my college years before I enter the real world for good. Until then, the summer months I spend in the factories will be long, tiring and every bit as educational as a French-lit