Young adults are now opting for travel, pets, and apartments. The millennials seem to long for less permanent decisions in their lives, with less responsibility. Now although they lack that structure, according to Huffington Post, the millennials actually have quite ambitious dreams. Dreams that impact our world greatly and have a lot of meaning. Most in the 1950’s would just settle for starting a business and getting a white picket fence. According to another article by the Huffington Post, only 64 percent of the public still believe in the American Dream. Is this due to the unrealistic goals of the millennials?
This change, or death, of the American Dream could actually affect America in a lot of ways. For one, if everyone wants to do huge things and impact America, what about all the not-so great …show more content…
An article in The Wall Street Journal tells us that homeownership has hit rock bottom with young adults. How are people expected to spend money on college, and then while in debt, buy a house? It’s economic suicide. Especially when college and house prices continue to increase drastically over the years. It is more logical for adults to hold off on buying a house until they have their finances situated, rather than just conforming to “the norm.” That’s another factor here. Chasing the American Dream because that’s what society wants or expects you to do. You get thrown out into the world and are expected to move along with the flow of your parent’s and grandparent’s lives. That doesn’t work anymore. Our world is constantly changing, especially with the production of technology and innovations. What people today desire and need is not going to be the same as fifty years ago, so it’s ridiculous to assume so. In this ever-changing country, full of opportunities, settling down and buying a house will not work for some