Abraham Lincoln: America's Greatest President

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Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of United States of America; Mr.Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents of United States and he made a big change to our country by stopping slavery. Mr.lincoln went into office knowing that there were som any problems from the start. Not only did he save slaves but he also stopped the Southern states from seceding. Even though Mr.Lincoln was not a founding father his action proved to be him a great president which is why his face is on Mount Rushmore. Mr.Lincoln proved to be one of our best Presidents because he didn’t abuse his power, he loved and was dedicated to save the democracy, and he was well loved by his followers. Mr.Lincoln never abused his powers because he thought he didn’t have …show more content…
Mr. lincoln was a gentle-hearted, peaceful, president who never wanted a war. And would only use war as a last resort, which he did. In addition, Mr. Lincoln loved the democracy and was dedicated to save the democracy: … that this nation, under God shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, forth people, shall not perish from the earth,”(Source B, Page 2, last sentence,). what Mr.Lincoln is trying to say is that as long as America is united the Democracy will live on.
Finally, the last reason Abraham was a great president was because he was well loved by his followers. After he died his body was carried around all over the America in a train and so many line up just to see a glimpse: “...thousands of mourners flocked to pay tribute to the slain president...Newspapers reported that people had to wait more than five hours to pass by the president's coffin in some cities.”(Abraham Lincoln’s Funeral Train page 1, paragraph 2). This prove that Abraham Lincoln had many well loved followers and they would wait more than five hours just to see a glimpse of Mr.Lincoln’s coffin. Another source Abraham Lincoln was well loved by his followers is this: “The First thought on hearing that President had been assassinated, was that all was lost and our country was ruined.”(Letter Reacting to President Lincoln’s Assassination). What this says is that people thought

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