A Defining Moment: A Short Story

Improved Essays
As the bell signaling the end of the match rang through the stadium, I felt a wave of emotion fill my body from head to toe. “Your winner by pinfall and new World Heavyweight Champion, Easton Evans!” The stadium erupted and fireworks exploded as I was handed the belt. It took me twelve years, five of them in the WWE, to reach the pinnacle of success in wrestling, main-eventing Wrestlemania. When I got backstage, I was congratulated by my coworkers and almost broke into tears. I remember being twelve years-old and seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin winning the WWF championship, and knowing that I am now standing here as the World Heavyweight Champion is the most surreal moment of mylife. I was living my dream and I will never let it be taken from me. The next night on Raw came and I was more than ready. My little brother, Colton, is going to turn on me and join The Next Gen, the faction I am currently in a feud with. It will be a huge moment in both of our careers. Our promo was scheduled for the end of the night and would close the show with me fighting back against Colton and Next Gen. Colton and I stand by the entrance stage waiting for our que. “You ready to betray me, little …show more content…
You know I wouldn't be here without you,” Colton replies. “Now I do have a gift for you to congratulate you on your victory last night.” I smile, telling him he didn't need to do that. “Oh but I do brother,” he snarls. He attacks me, punching me in the jaw. The crowd is shocked and Next Gen’s theme hits. Boos and yells fill the arena. Colton and Next Gen continue their assault on me, when they begin to set up Colton’s finisher. I hit the mat after his pop-up powerbomb. I began to see spots and felt a horrible headache. I have never felt this kind of pain before. The plan had been for me to fight back after the power bomb, but I could barely think through the pain I was in. Colton immediately knew something was wrong and quickly acted as though the finish was

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