When the readers are first introduced to Burch, those can infer that Burch will do whatever he seems fit to accomplish his wants. After learning who he is, a slave trader who tortures, he emanates sesriousness, a serious tone, associated with him, which foreshadows how serious and shames it is when it comes to dealing with those who other view as inferior. Meanwhile, William resilience shows, for he knows the truth. He knows that he of his freedom, and he understands the work that brought him to where he could say, “I am no man’s slave.” At the smae moment they are debating about William’s freedom, it made the reader agitated that a conversation is
When the readers are first introduced to Burch, those can infer that Burch will do whatever he seems fit to accomplish his wants. After learning who he is, a slave trader who tortures, he emanates sesriousness, a serious tone, associated with him, which foreshadows how serious and shames it is when it comes to dealing with those who other view as inferior. Meanwhile, William resilience shows, for he knows the truth. He knows that he of his freedom, and he understands the work that brought him to where he could say, “I am no man’s slave.” At the smae moment they are debating about William’s freedom, it made the reader agitated that a conversation is