We Cheer Up Jim Chapter 34 Analysis

Decent Essays
Chapter 34: “We Cheer Up Jim”
Chapter 34, titled “We Cheer Up Jim”, began with Tom explaining to Huck that Jim was in the hut. Tom told Huck that they were to both come up with a plan to go and steal Jim. Huck’s plan was to steal the key from the man, free Jim, and then to continue down the river like they had done previously. Tom proceeded to tell Huck that his plan was too simple. Tom told Huck his plan, and Huck had no objections to it, so they decided go with Tom’s plan. Later on, we learn that Tom’s plan is to dig Jim out of the hut and set him free. The next morning, the boys went down to meet the black man that fed Jim. They described him as a good-natured man with his hair tied back, in order to keep the witches off. The man brought them to see “the dog” which was actually Jim. When Jim saw Tom and Huck, he was excited and greeted them, which is why the chapter is title “We Cheer Up Jim.” However, Jim saying this let the black man know that they had seen each other in the past. In order to keep the secret hidden, they all acted shocked when the black man asked them how they knew each other causing the black man to think it was the witches
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A few examples of regionalism in this chapter are when Jim uses the words “lan’” and “ain’” instead of the words “land” and “ain’t” (Twain 235). There was also an example of irony used when Tom, Huck, and Jim made the black man believe that a witch interfered causing him to think that Jim knew who Tom and Huck were. The audience really knew that Tom, Huck, and Jim were just trying to cover up there mistake of showing that they knew each other, unlike the black man who thought it was actually a witch. (107 wds.)

“It was outrageous, and I knowed I ought to just up and tell him so; and so be his true friend, and let him quit the thing right where he was and save himself. And I did start to tell him; but he shut me up…” (Twain

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