Essay On Violation Of Privacy

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People’s privacy has been violated for many years but they don’t know that. Back then it was different because they were forced to being watched for every little thing they did. For example, in the book 1984 the people were forced to live with a big screen in there room so they can be watched for 24/7. The violation of people’s privacy is good and bad at the same time because they can catch someone who is planning on doing something bad. But then again there are others out there that are not happy because they are being watched.

1984 was a novel about how people were forced to do what Big Brother said and had to follow the rules. If anyone broke the rules they would be sent to jail. Everyone was scared to go to jail because there was a room
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“War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength” (Orwell, 26). This quote is saying that if there in war it's a good thing, someone is free there a slave which means there really not free, people who are not smart are the strong ones.

This Smartphone Tracking Tech Will Give You the Creeps is an article about how technology people want to invent a device called System. It can track your location only if the WI-FI is enabled on any electronic device. “IPS allows pinpoint tracking of any Wifi device” (DesMarais, 2012).

In the same article there is a section where Skyhook and google have collaborated in the past but it took a turn. “Google recognized the value of mapping the country’s Wi-Fi and decided it wanted to have a similar system, so it copied the model” (DesMarais, 2012).

Nothing has really changed we have been spied on for so many years. Many people didn’t even know and their are others that knew about it but didn’t really put any attention to it. Maybe in the future when the technology is getting better they will figure
Ramos 4 out many more ways, so they can spy on us and they can end up make it without us even

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