To Kill A Mocking Bird Literary Analysis

Improved Essays
Literary Analysis

To A Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a great book and has a lot of racism. It starts out with Scout, Atticus Finch’s daughter, talking about the events leading to Jem’s broken arm. Jem is Scout’s older brother. After talking about those events she started talking about their family history. Her first ancestor to arrive in America was Simon Finch. He fled from England escaping religious persecution and established a farm a farm on the banks of the Alabama River. Atticus was the first Finch to not make a living off of the farm. Atticus became a lawyer. The first introduction of racism when Cecil Jacobs, a boy that goes to school with Scout and Jem, announces in the schoolyard that Scout’s dad defended niggers. A few
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Every Christmas Eve day Uncle Jack, Aunt Alexandra, Uncle Jimmy (Alexandra’s husband), and Francis (Scout’s cousin and Alexandra’s grandson) would meet Atticus in Maycomb junction and a stay week with Atticus. After Christmas Eve dinner Scout was telling Francis that she was going to have Uncle Jack make her an invisible ink so she could write to her best friend Dill. Francis said that grandma had told him Dill was a dreadful child and that Atticus let Scout and Jem run around with “stray dogs.” He said they couldn’t help that Atticus was a nigger-lover. Scout got really upset by his comment and started defending Atticus. Francis went to the catwalk, a safe distance away from Scout, and called Atticus a nigger-lover and ran in the kitchen. After about ten minutes. Aunt Alexandra came looking for Francis and Scout told her he was in the kitchen. Aunt Alexandria looked toward the kitchen door and saw Francis.He told her Scout locked him in there Scout denied it. Aunt Alexandra told Francis to get out of the kitchen and told them to stop arguing with each other. Aunt Alexandra left and Francis walked off the porch a safe distance from Scout and called Atticus a nigger-lover again. Scout got up and punched him in the face. Uncle Jack, Atticus, and Aunt Alexandra came when they heard Francis crying. They asked what happened and Francis told them Scout called him a whore-lady and and jumped on him. Scout said it was

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